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at one’s ease
自由自在  detail>>
to make one feel at ease and energetic
安心益气  detail>>
at ease
安逸 不拘束 放飞心境 放松,轻松 轻松自若 舒适 舒适(地),安逸(地) 舒适地,自由自在地 松懈 自由自在...  detail>>
at ease with
对……感觉轻松 和….相处不拘束  detail>>
 n.  1.快活;安心;悠闲;自在。 2.容易,不费事。 3.(衣服等)宽松。  短语和例子   ...  detail>>
ease, to
松紧  detail>>
of ease
安逸的  detail>>
with ease
容易, 不费力 容易,不费力  detail>>
a ease of infection
一例传染病  detail>>
a life of ease
安逸舒适的生活  detail>>
at ease in zion
安逸无虑  detail>>
be ill at ease
局促不安, 心神不宁  detail>>
be quite at ease
态度非常自然  detail>>
bin ease
无此词组  detail>>
calm and at ease
从容自在  detail>>
chapel of ease
偏远教区的小教堂  detail>>
credit ease
头寸松 信用松缓  detail>>
crown ease
是袖山吃势 绱袖子袖山吃势很重要  detail>>